Alphonso Mango/हापूस आंबा
Alphonso Mango/हापूस आंबा
Alphonso Mango/हापूस आंबा

Alphonso Mango/हापूस आंबा

Sale price₹ 950.00
Delivery Day Order placing day


Tuesday after 8 am to Friday 8 am


Friday after 8 am to Tuesday 8 am

Introducing the epitome of lusciousness and purity: Bio Basket Ratnagiri Alphonso Mangoes. Handpicked from the pristine orchards of Ratnagiri, India, renowned for producing the finest mangoes globally, our mangoes embody unparalleled sweetness and aroma, delivering an indulgent sensory experience with every bite.

We take pride in offering mangoes that are chemical-free and residue-free, providing you with the purest fruit possible. Grown with sustainable practices and without the use of harmful pesticides ,our mangoes prioritize your health and well-being.

Storage and care tips :

- Weight of the mango is taken when raw/semi-riped : approx 200-220g .

- Do not store mangoes in fridge unless fully riped . Keep them in the natural condition witht the box grass for ripening. 

- Mangoes are usually ready to eat already when 80% orange . 

- Replacement will be done only with the opening video /picture. 

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