Beetroot / बीट

Beetroot / बीट

Sale price₹ 22.50
Delivery Day Order placing day


Tuesday after 8 am to Friday 8 am


Friday after 8 am to Tuesday 8 am

Whether you’re after the health benefits of beetroot juice or just need something quick and easy to grate into a salad, this root is a great pick. Boiled or roasted, there's no wrong way to eat these delicious roots. Pair with citrusy or creamy flavours.    

Uses - Beets can be boiled or steamed until tender, then peeled and used in various dishes. They can be served as a side dish, incorporated into grain bowls, or used in soups.

Storage tips - Store unwashed beetroot in a cool, dark, and dry place. A root cellar, basement, or pantry can be ideal for this purpose.

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