Red Bell Pepper / लाल सिमला मिरची

Red Bell Pepper / लाल सिमला मिरची

Sale price₹ 45.00
Delivery Day Order placing day


Tuesday after 8 am to Friday 8 am


Friday after 8 am to Tuesday 8 am

Red bell peppers are a popular and colourful vegetable with a sweet and slightly tangy flavour. They are not only delicious but also rich in vitamins and antioxidants, particularly vitamin C and vitamin A.

Uses - Add red bell pepper slices or diced pieces to salads for both colour and flavour. They provide a sweet and juicy contrast to other salad ingredients.

Storage tips - Place red bell peppers in the vegetable crisper drawer of your refrigerator. They should be stored unwashed and kept dry to prevent mold.

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